Posts tagged "breastfeeding"

Breast and Nipple Care (Part II)

Engorgement Mother’s milk production normally will increase rapidly 3-5 days after delivery for about 3-5 weeks, or until milk supply is established.  It is common to have engorgement in the first couple weeks because once your first milk colostrum changes to mature milk, your body has to adjust with baby’s needs. The principle is: the more you feed your baby [...]

Tips on relieve engorgement pain

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Posted by caffe - January 29, 2012 at 3:02 pm

Categories: Breastfeeding   Tags: , , ,

The Importance of Dad’s Role in Breastfeeding

Dad’s attitude and support play vital role in successful breastfeeding. Especially for a new mother, dad’s enthusiasm and understanding are extremely important. Dad’s role may influence and determine whether a mother wishes to breastfeed and succeed in nursing or gives up before she truly knows the right way to breastfeed and how enjoyable it is. Majority of new mothers may experience [...]

How to support your partner in breastfeeding?

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Posted by caffe - January 21, 2012 at 6:41 pm

Categories: Breastfeeding   Tags: ,

Newborn Diaper Rash

Majority of newborn babies may have mild diaper rash in the first six months; it does not mean that the baby receives poor care from her parents. Diaper rash is very common because baby’s skin is very tender and soft, and quite sensitive to wet or dirty diaper.  Newborns who are breastfed exclusively may have quite extensive diaper rash in [...]

Tips on prevent or heal diaper rash

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Posted by caffe - January 20, 2012 at 2:18 pm

Categories: Baby Care   Tags: , ,

Should I Breastfeed My Baby?

The biggest thing mother has to decide is whether to breastfeed her baby. Here are some questions that may help you to make your decision: What is my lifestyle? For example, do you always drink alcohol with each meal? Do you go to sleep late and get up late as well? Do you smoking? Do you love to eat spicy [...]

Breastfeed or bottle feed?

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Posted by caffe - January 14, 2012 at 3:04 pm

Categories: Breastfeeding   Tags: ,